4Runner Competitive Comparison

New for Sale Wausau WI

Buy or Lease a new Toyota 4Runner near Wausau Wisconsin

In the market for a new or pre-owned 4Runner? Toyota of Wausau, in Wausau, WI can help you lease, finance, or purchase your vehicle. Started by the Ballweg Automotive Group, we strive to focus on relationships with our clients and they are what drive our success. You will see the difference in our dealership and will be able to understand why we have earned the Toyota President?s Award seven years in a row! That alone shows our passion for our products and the service we provide our clients. We want to thank you for stopping into our website. Please fill out a request for more information from a sales representative, call us at 715-675-7775 or stop by our dealership today to take a spin in the 4Runner of your dreams!